single-channel | 08.55 | 16mm to digital, bw&colour | Canada

A woman, once trapped inside a 35mm frame, is waiting to be seen. Light informs the image, reproducing a new form of life in this dance of pixels on the analogue surface. A hybrid dissection of one film frame and the life surrounding it.
Director’s Statement
My first intention was to create a moving image work using only one 35mm film frame. I wanted to initiate a dialogue with my “subject”, learn about her past life, create alternative futures, activate her senses and simultaneously my own. Techniques such as exposing digital pixels on celluloid, microscopic imaging, and digital film strip reconstruction were all used to create the visuals for this film. First developed into a time-based installation, this single-channel film works as a response to the process itself.
The development of this work was possible with the support of SK Arts, the SPECTRAL program and S.P.A.C.E residency. Additional assistance was provided by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Labor Berlin, and FilmExplorer.
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