16mm | 1.33 vertical | colour | silent | 3:20
ARIES is a vertical 16mm film installation ideally shown in a gallery space, looped through a film projector. ARIES can however be adjusted to be showcased digitally as well.
ARIES is an exploration of the stillness in time through a single roll of film. This film and the filmmaker share an experience of staying still for a month during the first lockdown in Spring 2020. One inside of a 16mm camera, where the shutter opens once a day, the other inside of an apartment in Montréal, observing the daily changes in the environment and its people.
 ARIES is currently in distribution by Av-Arkki and CFMDC.
Past Exhibitions:
Forum Box's Mediabox gallery, Helsinki (FIN), July-August 2021
Past Screenings 2021-24:
                                                               2024 Dresden Schmalfilmtage, GER                                                                     2023 PRISME #6, Nantes, FRA
2022 OBSKURA, Rennes, FRA
2021 WNDX Festival of Moving Image, Winnipeg, CAN
2021 The 16mm Film Festival Harkat, Mumbai, IN
2021 Saskatchewan Filmpool Membership Screening, Regina, SK, CAN
2021 Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Montréal, CAN
2021 Future of Film Showcase, Canadian Public Broadcasting Company – CBC Gem, online, CAN
2021 Mediabox Gallery, Helsinki, FIN
2021 Peripheries Experimental Film and Video Festival, Boston, US
2021 Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong

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